google security

I teamed up with my friends at Instrument to help create a world in which we would explain how to take advantage of Googles Advanced Protection Program.
The goal was to empower users to take action by providing detailed, crystal-clear step-by-step instructions for setup and activation of the service. We talk about the often intimidating and confusing online security topics within a world that is immediately recognizable as Google: clean and gray backdrops with hits of color and warmth from a human presence.


Agency: Instrument
Executive Producer: Jonathan Creech
Creative Director: Jack De Caluwé
Producer: Dennis Samatulski
Design Director: Justin Holbrook
Senior Designer: Todd Quackenbush
Writer: John Zajac
Strategist: Morgan Miller
Assoc. Design Director: Steven Bardwell
Production Company: Ways & Means
Executive Producers: Jett Steiger & Lana Kim
Director: Jonpaul Douglass
Assistant Director: Brandeaux Tourville
Producer: Taylor Vandegrift
Cinematographer: Scott Uhlfelder
Gaffer: Chad Colhmia
Key Grip: Marlow Nunez
Production Manager: Brandon Robinson
Production Designer: Sean Genrich
Leadman: William Wesley
Stylist: Dolly Pratt
Hair & Makeup: Stephanie Nicole Smith
Motion Designer: David Bryan
VTR: Rich Millard
Editor: Zach Jones
Music: Common objects
BTS STILLS: Dennis Samatulski & Scott Uhlfelder