This project was to promote the Instagram Direct messaging feature. What we now know as a "DM" :) - We followed 3 real life "Instagrammers" from New Jersey, all the way to San Francisco in a mini van. In many ways this was very much a real life road trip that we all experienced together and we came out at the end of it with some genuine friendships. The yellow AMC Pacer that was used in this video is now on permanent display as a photo booth at Instagram HQ!

We captured so much footage on this trip we couldn't possibly use it all!

Agency: Facebook Comm Design
Directed by Jonpaul Douglass
Cinematography by Jonpaul Douglass & Andy J. Scott

We also worked with our friends at BUCK to help create the live action portions of this really rad logo reveal video below. Special thanks to the super talented Director Joe Donaldson (fellow Floridian) and designer/creative/animator/wizard Rasmus Bak